I don't know how many of my blog posts you've read or checked out, so I repeat stories sometimes. 

In May of this year (2017), I decided to take a small road trip from Los Angeles up to San Francisco to explore the Pacific Coast Highway. On the second day of the trip I made my way south from the Bay area and made a few calculated stops along the way. 

Let's talk quickly about being inspired...

I was in a tiny rut at the end of 2016 (no need to bore you with the details). The overarching theme was that despite numerous small journeys of travel, my life in Los Angeles started to feel damp and depressed. I was swamped by bills, and not feeling so great about some personal relationships.  I felt like I had lost sight of one of the major joys of living in LA: being in, around and near the beautiful landscape. I was not going to the beach, or going on hikes anymore, even though everything was within reach. Funny how a studio apartment, closed blinds, and Netflix can become a dismal cave rather quickly. 

I knew I needed to shake myself out of the routine, but I was lacking a spark. Until...

Through the wonders of Instagram I came across a fantastic traveler, blogger, post-er, photographer from the central coast of California, Where To, Peanut?

So very clever, she describes herself an RN with an incurable case of wanderlust (hence the title of her Instagram and blog) and travels the world with her fiance in the most breathtaking and liberating style. Be sure to see and follow her Instagram feed - @wheretopeanut. If you're anything like me, you'll be scrolling and in awe for a little while. 

Naturally, I followed her on IG and I would eventually get a follow in return; how cool! We'll trade comments back and forth, and consistently gush over the beauty of California. Instagram friendships. Awesome. Over time, I started to notice that Nicole/Where to Peanut, would often tag some great oceanside photos in the town of Davenport, California. I assume that's where she's from or based. Either way, it seemed to be a beautiful place. Thanks to her, when planning my Pacific Coast Highway road trip, I added a stop in Davenport, California, confident that I would find some wonderful landscape. 

Once, I saw that I was within city limits, I was looking for a great place to pull over. First, I came to Davenport Landing Beach. It had waves, sand, and a great view of El Jarro Point, but that's not what was interesting about it...

Rocks. Crazy unique rocks. There were formations of rock I had never seen before. Too cool. Also, speaking of the rocks, I have to shout out actress, Drew Barrymore. Why? She compiled and published a photograph book back in 2014 entitled, "Find It in Everything." The "it" in the title refers to the classic heart shape <3. She started to notice that she would see the shape appear at random in everyday life and would take it as a sign of love. She's right, the heart symbol is pretty universal and only means good vibes when you see it. There's also an Instagram dedicated to the photos and phenomenon: @finditineverything. I say all of that because, having seen her book a few weeks prior to this trip, in these amazing beach rocks I would find a pretty awesome heart shape worn into one of the rocks. Had to capture it and share: 

After the Landing Beach, I continued to drive south and it would not be long before my eye caught my next destination.  Floating in the middle of the ocean was a beautiful rock island covered with grass and moss. What the? I made a pretty abrupt U-turn and discovered that I had accidentally found Shark Fin Cove. It wasn't in my trusty All-Trails app, but there it was nonetheless in all it's glory. It was pretty self explanatory and I just spent a few good moments capturing it. Good stuff, Davenport. Good stuff: 

Also see...