Dana and I are good friends from high school and we stayed in touch over the years.  She's very sweet and supportive, and we had the opportunity to take some photographs together in 2009

I could not have been more happy to learn of her engagement and was honored when she asked me to be her wedding photographer.  Naturally, we set up an engagement session and I finally had the opportunity to meet her fiancé, Keith. On our way to and from the session, Keith played some Mumford & Sons. I had always heard of them, but until that day I had never taken the time to actually listen to them.  When I heard their sound, that officially sealed my impression of Keith, "Yes, this is a good guy."  You can tell a lot about someone based on the music they like.  

 Dana and Keith chose a phenomenal location for the session Bishop's Orchard in Guilford, CT, and we had a fun time together: